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INQ-300 | Sri Lanka

Full Title: The Case of Sri Lanka

Topic Description:

Sri Lanka, long a crossroads of the east, has a complex history that has given it a unique culture.  Yet because the US has little economic stake there, it is seldom on our radar.   The premise of this course is that countries like Sri Lanka DO matter, and that understanding what is happening in them is essential to understanding the global society of which we are a part. Sri Lanka struggles with the same issues that concern all of us in the 21st century. As a small country, it provides a focused way of looking at how all of these issues interrelate, from the perspective of all of the disciplines.  In this course, you will bring your own disciplinary knowledge and skills to bear as you form groups, define world issues of interest that can be studied through the Sri Lankan prism, and work collaboratively to analyze and propose ways to constructively address them.

Counts as Global? No

Topic Approved: December 2011