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INQ-300 | Problems Need the Rule of Law

Full Title: Why Global Problems Need the Rule of Law

Topic Description:

Since the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, national and international organizations have agreed the rule of law is the foundation for democratic institutions, individual freedoms, and prosperous and secure societies. Indeed, the rule of law is “the most important political ideal today” (Tamanaha, 2011). But what do we mean by “rule of law”? And how can it be used to address such global issues as human trafficking, environmental sustainability, women’s rights, and other global issues? After five weeks studying the origins of this “ideal,” groups will identify and select a contemporary global issue then prepare a Threshold Project proposing their solutions. Each group will present its project as a final group paper and defend it orally before the class. Projects should reflect an understanding of the rule of law as the foundation of legitimate government, judicial independence, a stable economy, and a civil society.

Counts as Global? No

Topic Approved: April 2017