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INQ-300 | End of the World as We Know It

Full Title: End of the World as We Know It

Topic Description:

Across this country a growing number of Americans are preparing themselves for a catastrophic apocalypse. For reasons ranging from terrorist attacks to natural disasters or an economic meltdown, these individuals have been taking survival courses, constructing safe rooms and shelters, and stockpiling canned goods in preparation for the end of the world as we know it. Are their fears founded in fact or fantasy? Does the scientific data support the likelihood of an event occurring? Are there preparations we can take to ensure our survival if it does occur? In this course you will investigate a potential catastrophic event and the underlying science and technology, assess the level of threat based on all available evidence, and develop an action plan with persuasive arguments to advise others of the apparent danger and how to prepare and respond to the event.

Counts as Global? No

Topic Approved: November 2013