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INQ-300 | Contemporary Science Problems

Full Title: Real Solutions to Contemporary Science Problems

Topic Description:

You are about to complete your college education and enter the workforce, create your own business, run for political office, develop the next invention, or enter a graduate-level program. You have been exposed to facts and theories, but you will soon be engaged in life as an actively participating person in the human community.  How did you learn college-level material best?  What do you really remember from your classes?  Can you act upon or really make critical decisions about what you have learned?  How did you learn information in the sciences?  Could you explain solutions to scientific problems to someone else? How will you become informed about difficult or controversial topics outside the classroom and help others learn about that topic?  In this course you will learn about learning and use those skills to help solve a contemporary problem in the sciences.

Counts as Global? No

Topic Approved: April 2012