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INQ-277 | Service-Learning and Peacework in South Africa

Topic Description:

How can we build global understanding and peace through international development, education, and service? This question will serve as a framework for our experiences with Peacework in South Africa. Students will travel to East London, South Africa where they will be immersed into the local community and culture through service-learning experiences focused on holistic residential care for orphans. With an orphanage as our service base, we will work side-by-side with local workers, school leaders, and laborers in a developing community. Students will also explore the local culture, history, and natural beauty through music, food, and day excursions beyond the orphanage site. To be effective in our service, students will study the culture and history of South Africa as well as the current governmental and social support systems. These varied experiences offer students much to think about as they consider the differences between their own lives and life in a developing country. The entire trip will be contextualized with readings, shared writings, and many conversations.

Course Types Offered: Travel

Topic Approved: February 2016