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INQ-277 | Relating to Nature: Philosophy, Literature, and Immersion

Crosslisted As: PHIL277

Topic Description:

How can we understand our relationship to nature? Are humans fundamentally separate from, or a part of nature? Are human beings superior to the rest of nature? Is it possible for humans to live in a harmonious relationship with the rest of nature? Can we learn from non-human forms of life? This course introduces students, in an intensive learning environment, to the ways in which philosophers and literary writers have conceived of the relationship between human beings and nature in the Western tradition. In the third week, students immerse themselves in nature by setting up camp in rustic cabins in the woods, unplugging from modern conveniences, and engaging in a number of outdoor (recreation and survival) activities. We will be in session on Memorial Day. This class is reading, writing, and dialogue intensive, and in the third week the course will challenge students mentally, physically, and socially, while removing most modern conveniences.

Course Types Offered: Field Trip

Topic Approved: March 2013