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INQ-277 | Politics in Art: Film, Literature, and Art

Crosslisted As: SOCI277

Topic Description:

The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the study of political ideas, conflict, events, and action as expressed in literature, cinema, and other works of art – technology, architecture, painting, and sculpture. We will view several films, read 2-3 books and take a field trip to Washington, DC to learn about the architecture of our capital’s major buildings, monuments, and the design of the city itself. We will visit the Smithsonian, the National Gallery, and the Newseum. Students will explore the representation of politics in art through a combination of requirements, including large and small group discussions of films, books, and art, informal essays and journal writing, and a final exam consisting of short answer and essay questions.

Course Types Offered: Field Trip

Topic Approved: February 2013