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INQ-277 | Learning Team Dynamics through International Service

Topic Description:

Students will participate in service learning with Christian Toledo Academy in Belize. Students will learn the process of team formation, what role they most commonly take in a group, how they manage conflict, and how worldview has shaped their team approach. Students recognize their strengths and further develop opportunities. In addition to service, students will experience swimming at Rio Grande Falls, touring the local Mayan Villages and their ruins, snorkeling the reefs off Placencia, and exploring the market of Punta Gorda. Students will analyze their experience working in teams and how communities in Belize function as a team. Questions we will address include: How do functional and effective teams form? What is the common role do you find yourself taking in a team? Is conflict good or bad in groups? How do you manage conflict effectively? To what extent does worldview shape your approach to team dynamics, and conflict?

Course Types Offered: Travel

Topic Approved: February 2023