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INQ-277 | Exploring Vision through the Eye of the Lens

Topic Description:

This class will utilize the digital camera as both a metaphor for the human eye and as a tool to create photographic representations of principles of human vision. Cameras and the human eye will be compared and contrasted in order to better understand both. Mechanisms of human visual perception, such as color vision, depth perception, and motion perception, will first be discussed in lecture format and then assignments will be carried out wherein students take purposeful photographs to illuminate the discussion topics. The idea is that application through photography of principles discussed in relation to human vision, i.e. how we sense and perceive the world, will give you a better understanding of how and why the human vision system works the way it does. Photographic expeditions will be done both around campus and as part of full day trips.

Course Types Offered: On-Campus

Topic Approved: April 2011