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INQ-271 | Race in the Americas

Full Title: (Global) Race in the Americas

Topic Description:

The term “race” may seem self-evident, but its meaning varies according to cultural, historical, and national circumstances. This course looks at race in various Latin American countries from the colonial period to the present day. What does “race” mean, and how has its meaning changed over time, in the Latin American context? How have history and society created different groups, and how have these groups interacted and evolved? What conflicts exist in the present day, and how do specific countries seek to combat racism and inequality? Finally, how can examining race, as it is defined, expressed, and experienced in other countries, bring us to a deeper understanding of our own society and the issues it faces? To explore these questions, we will examine race as it is portrayed in art and literary works, including literature by indigenous and Afro-Latinx authors, and study these works’ historical and cultural contexts.

Counts as Global? Yes

Topic Approved: October 2021