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INQ-271 | Nonviolence & Justice-Global

Full Title: Nonviolence and Social Justice-Global

Topic Description:

This course asks the question “How can nonviolence promote social justice?” We will study important people in the history of nonviolent social activism, from the 19th century to the present, to see how they addressed injustice, how their ideas about nonviolence evolved, and how different cultural contexts have influenced nonviolent activism. We will examine the work of individuals, such as Mahatma Gandhi, Dorothy Day, and Martin Luther King Jr., to discover not only that which is positive about their accomplishments, but also to consider how they were and have been criticized. We’ll ask our own questions about applying such methods today in the U.S. and globally. Our class will be a kind of microcosm of community, drawing upon your experiences and depending upon each other for the quality of our class discussion.

Counts as Global? Yes

Topic Approved: March 2017