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INQ-270 | Gods & Monsters

Full Title: Gods, Ghosts, and Monsters in Asian Literature.

Topic Description:

Asian literature abounds with supernatural beings of all sorts—gods who hold grudges, monsters with 12 heads, hungry ghosts that wander the earth, and spiritual masters who can conquer all of them. These tales offer an excellent window into Asian religion and literature, because while they are fantastic (and fun to read), they make sense when read in the context of Asian belief systems. This class will survey Indian, Chinese, and Japanese religious and ethical world views as a foundation for reading the many genres of Asian literature. The class will consider the following questions: What ethical and religious beliefs help explain the nature of these gods and monsters? Why are people, gods, and monsters punished under these belief systems? What do the human protagonists learn about themselves? What do the supernatural characters teach us about the human condition?

Counts as Global? No

Topic Approved: December 2010