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INQ-270 | Chaos & Kingship

Full Title: Chaos and Kingship in Medieval France: The Capetian Experiment

Topic Description:

An investigation into the evolution of thought and culture of the high Medieval form of kingship exemplified by the Capetian Dynasty (the kings initially of Ile de France, and later of France writ large) as seen through its major artifacts and historical strategies, including literary works, technologies, philosophies and sacred edifices. We will examine how the Capetian kings (c. 987—the end of the Hundred-Years War) developed authority and confidence in a time of chaos. We will use lectures, readings, scriptorium experiences, a field trip and simulation games as ways of visualizing many of these strategies. We will attempt to articulate and reconstruct a Capetian worldview, evaluate that worldview and contrast it against the context of (earlier) Merovingian/Carolingian worldviews and (contemporary/competing) Plantagenet dynasties. Finally, we will ask ourselves, What is unique about the Capetian dynasty’s world(view)? How is this worldview similar or dissimilar from a 21st century democratic worldview?

Counts as Global? No

Topic Approved: April 2014