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INQ-270 | Ancient Latin America

Full Title: Power in Ancient Latin America

Topic Description:

Human societies from across the globe exhibit tremendous diversity in their forms of political organization. Why do we see such vast differences in the ways that societies organize themselves? What factors lead to the origins and development of these systems? How do we understand the political organization of a foreign culture? And, what can we learn about our own society in that process? This course will seek answers to these questions by looking at a sample of the cultures found in Pre-Columbian Latin America. While teaching students to make use of archaeological and ethnohistorical methodologies, this course will explore questions of human organization. In the process, students will develop analytical and comparative skills through the examination of Pre-Columbian Latin America. Students will have the opportunity to hone their writing and research skills, as well their communication skills as they present the findings of their research to the class.

Counts as Global? No

Topic Approved: April 2013