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INQ-251 | Science, Pseudo-science & Non

Full Title: Science, Pseudo-science, and Nonsense

Topic Description:

In modern society we are inundated with all kinds of information: the Internet, TV, the radio, the newspaper, magazines and books, and in our daily contact with others. Unfortunately, much of this information is incomplete, biased or just outright false, and since we base many of our actions on what we learn from these sources, it is important to have skills to critically evaluate this information. We will discuss and apply the main kinds of deductive and inductive arguments, and be able to recognize them as they are used to influence all of us every day. Students will also understand the role of evidence in rational inquiry and be knowledgeable of the many pitfalls of human “common sense” intuition, as well as the proper interpretations of probabilities, in the evaluation of such evidence. We will utilize and explore many popular mysteries, such as ESP, Astrology, the Bermuda Triangle, visitation by extraterrestrial beings (UFOs), etc. in our discussions.

Counts as Global? No

Topic Approved: March 2010