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INQ-251 | Science in 21st Century

Full Title: Science in the 21st Century: Why Should You Care?

Topic Description:

How will the field of medicine advance over the next 50-75 years and why will it be important for you to be aware of these advancements? Why should you be concerned that our planet’s biodiversity is at risk? Why is it important for you to know about the state of resource availability when for so long we’ve been able to assume that these resources were virtually limitless? Science may have more of an impact on the world in this century than any other form of human endeavor. It behooves you to develop the ability to read about it, become familiar with it, and think about it. In this course, we will consider a number of biological issues that will inarguably play important roles in sharing the 21st Century. We will consider together not only some relevant fundamental biological concepts, but also the social, political, and ethical impacts of advances in these areas.

Counts as Global? No

Topic Approved: November 2016