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INQ-251 | Insects and Cannabis

Full Title: Insects and Cannabis

Topic Description:

The field of cannabis is a growing industry with its roots firmly planted in the sciences. A plant known for its medicinal and recreational purposes, cannabis is a unique organism in both its biology and its many uses by those that consume it. Unfortunately, there is a major problem within the industry: pest insects. Students will explore the biology of cannabis and the pest insects that claim cannabis as a food resource. Students will learn how scientists are working to reduce or eradicate pests from cannabis gardens. We will explore topics regarding the important roles insects have played in the cannabis industry by asking questions such as: How do insects adapt to utilize cannabis as a food resource? Can traditional pest control methods be used on a plant that is typically ingested or inhaled? Why are there no federally regulated pesticides for cannabis and how does this impact the industry?

Counts as Global? No

Topic Approved: October 2023