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INQ-251 | Bugs in the System

Full Title: Bugs in the System

Topic Description:

By all reasonable accounts, insects are the most successful group of animals on Earth. As human populations have expanded to cover the globe, we now interact with insects more than ever before. As we intrude upon a planet that insects have dominated for many millions of years, we ignore them at our own peril! In this course, students will learn to recognize the diversity of insects that share our environment. Insects’ fascinating adaptations allow the opportunity for in-depth study within a variety of biological disciplines, including genetics, development, behavior, and ecology. Following the specific interests of students, we will explore topics regarding the roles insects have played and continue to play in human affairs by asking questions like the following: How have insects affected the course of human history (e.g., outcomes of wars)? How can insects cause diseases? How have insects been used to treat diseases? How do insects affect global economies and food supplies? And what roles have insects played in human culture and religion?

Counts as Global? No

Topic Approved: November 2013