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INQ-250PH | The Way Things Work

Full Title: The Way Things Work: Sky Diving and Deep Sea Diving

Topic Description:

The focus of this scientific reasoning course is to understand the way things work in our natural world. To that effect, fundamental questions that will be addressed are “why study motion, what factors contribute to the motion of an object and how do these contributing factors produce the observed motion of a sky diver and a deep sea diver”. The basics laws of physics applicable to sky diving and deep sea diving will be understood through a suite of laboratory experiments that are exploratory in nature. In this course, the focus will be on the process of science as it is motivated through measurements and inquiry. Cooperative learning groups, computer-assisted activities, and exploratory worksheets will facilitate the conceptual understanding process. Two group projects will provide opportunities for further scientific investigations into each of these topics.

Counts as Global? No

Topic Approved: March 2009