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INQ-250CH | Chem, Envi, and Society

Full Title: Chemistry, the Environment, and Society

Topic Description:

We only have one earth and we have a responsibility to protect it. The ecosystem of our planet is threatened by environmental issues such as global warming, air and water quality, acid rain, depletion of our energy reserves, and the thinning of the ozone layer. How humans contribute to many of these problems is well understood. So why not just halt the activities that damage our planet? Neither the environment nor our society is that simple. This course presents an introduction to important environmental topics from a chemical perspective. Fundamental chemical concepts will be used to explain causes and possible solutions to the major threats that result from man’s activities. The risks to the earth and the costs of protecting it will also be investigated from the perspective of the individual and society as a whole.

Counts as Global? No

Topic Approved: March 2009