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INQ-177 | Sex, Drugs, and Rock 'N Roll: A Biological Soundtrack

Topic Description:

In this course, we will use rock and roll music to explore the biology behind sex, drugs, and the rock and roll lifestyle. We will understand sex through the examination of human reproduction, STDs, and pregnancy. Drugs will take us into the world of street and over-the-counter drug use, addiction/dependency, and the ethnobotanical history of each of these drugs. The rock and roll lifestyle is filled with consequences like hearing loss and tattooing and specific lifestyle choices; we will delve into these phenomena from a cultural perspective exploring the biology along the way. Investigating the lives and music of sensations like Hendrix, Sex Pistols, Kurt Cobain, Mötley Crüe, and Aerosmith through books, music videos, and movies will give us a human perspective on some exciting biological processes while allowing us to enter the most extreme version of this musical lifestyle.

Course Types Offered: Field Trip

Topic Approved: April 2008