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INQ-177 | Potions

Topic Description:

Could someone really build a flying broomstick? Do invisibility cloaks exist? Is it actually possible to turn lead into gold? Through readings and discussions, students will investigate the spellbinding science behind the magical phenomena highlighted within J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter universe. A specific emphasis on chemical concepts will be presented including states of matter, equilibria, kinetics, thermodynamics, polymerization, redox reactions, and spectroscopy. Students will also participate in daily potion-making laboratory activities uniquely curated to showcase these principles in an engaging way. Students will create invisible inks, concoct elixirs that glow in the dark, prepare cauldrons that emit colorful vapors, produce flames that burn vibrant colors, and engage in other experiments that will dramatically illustrate fundamental chemical phenomena. No background knowledge in science is required as the chemical content will be presented at a basic, introductory level readily accessible for students of any discipline.

Course Types Offered: On-Campus

Topic Approved: September 2019