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INQ-177 | Motorcycle Musings

Topic Description:

In this course we will use two travelogues, "Motorcycle Diaries" and "Long Way Round,” to understand the nexus between motorcycling and narratives about culture, politics and society, and to learn about the meaning of freedom in the context of the motorcycle culture. "Motorcycle Diaries" is an account of the travels of Che Guevara and Alberto Granado across Latin America from Argentina to Venezuela, and "Long Way Round" is a documentary of the journey made by Ewan MacGregor and Charlie Boorman from London to New York via Eastern Europe and Central Asia. In order to understand the context of these travels, students will be introduced to a brief political history of Latin America, and to the variety of cultures in Eastern Europe, Kazakhstan, Russia and Mongolia. Both travels used motorcycles and were undertaken almost half a century apart, and both were motivated primarily by the love of adventure travel. Nonetheless, they differed vastly in their region of travel, in the social and economic status and political inclinations of the individual travelers, and in the travel logistics. To better appreciate the various facets of adventure travel by motorcycle, we will learn to ride a motorcycle, and undertake local rides of varying lengths. We will learn about writing travelogues and maintain diaries/journals documenting and reflecting our travels.

Course Types Offered: On-Campus

Topic Approved: April 2006