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INQ-177 | Maroon Challenge: leadership Development and Outdoor Adventure

Topic Description:

Based on a blend of philosophies from several well-established leadership and outdoor adventure programs, this course is designed to facilitate leadership development and self-discovery through challenge, adventure and personal reflection. We believe this is achieved best in an outdoor setting, a place where nature predominates and the consequences of our actions—whether as leader or follower—are very real and immediate. The inherent adventure found in this experience will oblige students to explore their own personal capabilities: intellectual, emotional and physical. It will also require students to work well together in challenging situations. Finally, by living in these outdoor conditions for an extended period, away from the many distractions of day-to-day life, students will have an opportunity to intentionally examine and foster their own leadership style—a skill we believe can be learned, practiced and eventually transferred to any leadership situation: self, peer, family or business.

Course Types Offered: Travel

Topic Approved: February 2011