INQ-177 | Historical Archaeology
Crosslisted As: HIST177
Topic Description:
This course is designed to teach students the methods and theories of archaeological fieldwork in a hands-on setting. Students will have the opportunity to learn about the practical skills of surveying, excavating, and recording by engaging in fieldwork both at the Tanyard House on the southeastern edge of the Roanoke College campus and at the Blue Ridge Center near Harper’s Ferry. Students will also learn about the theories guiding the interpretation of material culture through readings and lab exercises on topics in historical archaeology. A day trip to Poplar Forest, the former retreat home and working plantation of Thomas Jefferson, and an overnight trip to Monticello, Ash Lawn, and Montpellier, the respective homes of Presidents Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, and James Madison will expose students to the intricacies of historical archaeology in action.
Course Types Offered: Field Trip, Travel
Topic Approved: December 2009