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INQ-177 | GarageBand

Topic Description:

Have you ever wanted to write a song and hear it back right away? Have you ever had a great idea for a piece of music but didn’t know how to write it down to return to it later? Can a person without background in music learn enough in a short term to use these tools effectively? The power of computers and the digitization of music has put the power of music production in just about anyone’s hands, so the answer to these questions is yes. In this course you’ll learn the power of digital audio workstations to create music. Along with the study of GarageBand, the course will cover the fundamentals of audio recording, from choosing a microphone, to organizing track recordings and editing audio. Musical subjects such as melody writing, harmony and instrumentation will be studied through class activities and student projects.

Course Types Offered: On-Campus

Topic Approved: October 2020