INQ-177 | Drawing On and Off the Page
Topic Description:
Artists spend years developing the integration of perceptual and drawing skills—coordinating hand, eye, and mind to create polished works of art. We don’t have that kind of time in May. In this experimental course, we are going to pivot and focus on developing perceptual skills and pairing these with exploring a broad understanding of drawing/mark making and visual communication. What can drawing be? Why does one draw? What does a drawing look like? How can mark-making communicate content? What role does the audience and their participation have in making meaning? We will explore a variety of approaches to “alternative” drawing such as performative drawing techniques, installation, mapping, and collaborative projects. Our primary muse will be our interaction with nature and our environment through exploratory walks, day trips, readings, and reflective writings.
Course Types Offered: On-Campus
Topic Approved: October 2020