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INQ-177 | Bluegrass and Old-Time Music in Southwestern Virginia

Topic Description:

This course offers students a hands-on introduction to the traditional “mountain music” culture of southwestern Virginia. Experiential learning “in the field” will include attending music and dance events, class visits by musicians, and attendance at a regional music festival. Students develop and present a group project that explores how a music-culture of their choice can be better understood in light of what they have learned about the ideas, activities, repertories, and material culture of “old time” and “Bluegrass.” No prior experience performing music, either singing or playing, is required: a basic tenet of old-time music is that every member of the community can participate, regardless of familiarity or skill. Central to the course is the global idea that music is learned in the music-making experience.

Course Types Offered: Field Trip

Topic Approved: February 2016