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INQ-120 | Social Media Influence&Health

Full Title: Social Media: Influence and Health

Topic Description:

Human culture is engaged in a mass experiment with the use of social media. What do we know about the impact of new media on beliefs, decision-making, and health? How has disinformation been deployed strategically through social media, and how effective is it? What should we do about it both as individuals and as societies? In this course, students will address these critically important questions through study of empirical literature on topics including cognition, bias, influence, social comparison, and mental health, as well as writings on the topic from current ethicists and philosophers. Students will not only become aware of the knowledge base on social media’s effects but also form ethical arguments about how both individuals and communities can respond to the rapidly changing face of technology-based social interaction.

Counts as Global? No

Topic Approved: October 2023