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INQ-120 | Ethics in Film and TV

Full Title: Ethics in Film and TV

Topic Description:

How are ethical concepts and dilemmas discussed in film and television? How can media help us form more complex ethical judgments, and how can we become more discerning viewers by adopting an ethical lens as we consume our media? Like literature, visual media can help us develop empathy with characters outside of our own cultural contexts, providing varying perspectives and alternate worldviews. Through an introductory study of ethics, students will continue to develop their writing and oral presentation skills. Students will be introduced to ethicists (e.g., Aristotle, Kant, Rawls) and ethical theories (e.g., utilitarianism, divine command, relativism). Contemporary ethical dilemmas (e.g., gun control, war, abortion, capital punishments) will be explored as students are exposed to various points of view on these subjects. Communal screenings will be held at a weekly scheduled time.

Counts as Global? No

Topic Approved: November 2016