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INQ-120 | Civility in Politics

Full Title: Civility in Politics

Topic Description:

How important is civility in politics to living a good life? And, how important is it for citizens and political elites to address competing ethical principles in a civil manner? Whether one examines voting records of legislators or policy outputs across U.S. states, the two major political parties are further apart ideologically than political scientists have observed in quite some time. Given the state of partisan polarization, the practice of political civility and the significance of it in the express of competing ideas about political ethics are more relevant than ever. The focus of inquiry in this course will be to utilize the works of several political scientists to examine the sources, benefits, and consequences of political civility. To that end, this course will also focus on how to develop and communicate civil, engaged arguments about some of the most contentious ethical issues in contemporary American politics.

Counts as Global? No

Topic Approved: November 2014