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INQ-110 | Ecstasy

Full Title: Ecstasy

Topic Description:

What is ecstasy? An emotion? A mental state? A physiological response to particular stimuli? For some, it's simply a drug to be given at a particular moment in order to achieve a desired effect, while for others it's something to be sought over the course of a lifetime. Is ecstasy a good thing? Is it separate from our ordinary lives, or part of it? Can we strive for and achieve it on our own, or must it be given to us? Should it be a goal in life? Should it be the goal in life? Can it be sustained? Should it be sustained? How has it been defined in the past? How is it related to sin? To fear? To the sublime? Students in this class will read widely and discuss actively literary works relating to this topic, seeking, finally, to answer these questions for themselves and in relation to their own goals in life.

Counts as Global? No

Topic Approved: April 2012