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INQ-110 | Bodies, Corpses & Death Rituals

Full Title: Bodies, Corpses & Death Rituals in the World’s Religions

Topic Description:

How do the major religious communities of the world approach bodies and corpses? What rituals are associated with death and dying in these communities? We will look at how bodies are religiously conceived, how bodies are treated ritually and how bodies are treated at death. We will limit ourselves generally to reading introductory essays about Hindu, Buddhist and Taoist/Confucian theories and practices from Asia as well as essays about Jewish, Christian and Islamic theories and practices from the Abrahamic traditions, though we will also read limited selections of primary texts from Asia and from the Abrahamic traditions. In addition to text-critical work, the student will have the opportunity to do “fieldwork” in places such as churches, temples, graveyards, a morgue or other similar sites.

Counts as Global? No

Topic Approved: March 2009