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HNRS-300 | What are the Chances?

Full Title: What are the Chances?

Topic Description:

We live in a world where numerical information floods our news reports, our newspapers, and the Internet. Access to this information is becoming easier and quicker for most of us; with a quick visit to the Google or CNN website, virtually any search or article presents information quantitatively in many forms, ranging from graphs, to data tables, summaries, and statistical results. Is this ease of access to numerical information and statistics tainting our truth? Does the misuse of quantitative reasoning provide any answer desired to almost any question? Throughout this semester, we will explore these questions in class and learn how to properly argue using numerical information. The final project and defense will allow you, in groups, to explore a contemporary issue affecting a local organization, and decide how one should properly argue that issue, and propose a solution that organization could consider using.

Counts as Global? No

Topic Approved: December 2016