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HNRS-271 | Peacemaking Religions-Global

Full Title: Peacemaking in World Religions-Global

Topic Description:

What is the relationship between religious worldviews and peacemaking? In a time of growing sectarianism, radicalization, and terrorism, how can religions promote peacemaking? To explore these questions, we will examine the religious worldviews of Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. We will ask how insiders (religious practitioners) and outsiders (non-practitioners) think critically about the relationship between religion and peace to encourage peacemaking in specific case studies. Students will choose one case study to analyze throughout the semester and will make recommendations for how religious groups might contribute to peacebuilding in that specific situation. This is an Inside-Out Exchange class that will take place once a week inside the Roanoke County Jail with Roanoke County Jail students.

Counts as Global? Yes

Topic Approved: October 2019